Competitive Intelligence professionals work with publicly available information, as well as data sourced from third party data companies. All information used in the gleaning of insights is sourced legally and ethically, as well as in compliance with the client’s code of ethics and/or behavior.
Competitive Intelligence (CI) is a crucial part of any successful business strategy. Through the collection and analysis of information, a CI professional can anticipate the movement of the market and of one’s competitors, allowing the client to foresee and respond to problems before they emerge. The insights provided by CI activities are used by groups throughout a company. Sales teams can use findings from a Competitive Intelligence expert to create valuable “sell-against” tools. Product launches can be guided to optimal success. Executive leaders can use these insights to create positive and real impact company-wide.
For any team, the goal of Competitive Intelligence is to help make better-informed decisions and improve organizational performance by discovering risks and opportunities before they become obvious. Essentially, the aim of Competitive Intelligence is to prevent a business from being caught off guard by any opposing forces.
Competitive Intelligence professionals employ deep dives, war gaming, monitoring, research, and analysis as we seek to understand, not just to make calculations from raw data.
When all is said and done, every business needs a Competitive Intelligence professional on their side.